MET Architectsde

The Wehrli primary school was built by Zurich architect Erwin Schoch after a competition in 1950-52. The complex, which is typical of its time, comprises a classroom wing, a housekeeping wing, a kindergarten and a gymnasium. The well-preserved complex is characterized by a large amount of original building fabric and is expected to become listed shortly. After around 70 years of operation, it will be subject to operational improvements as well as a renovation with a focus on structure and energy saving in close consultation with the City of Kreuzlingen and the Office for the Preservation of Historical Monuments.


The tender proposed locating the teachers' rooms in the classrooms of wing 2 and adding an extension to the west side of the gymnasium with two additional classrooms. MET Architects' entry instead proposes a restoration of the original typology and use of space to protect the historic complex: The scattered utilitarian additions would be removed and the east-facing rooms in both main wings could once again be used for classroom teaching. With new doors, they can be connected to each other, thus achieving a high degree of flexibility in use. The library will be relocated to the large, well-lit room at the end of wing 2, and the wide corridors will be used for fixed group workstations.


Three possible locations were developed from the original building logic for the additional space required for teachers' rooms. In the first option, the janitor's apartment is converted for the teachers' rooms with only a minimum of alterations. The floor plan provides flexible and diverse spaces for meetings, workstations and a teachers' lounge. The second option proposes a glazed wooden structure with a monopitch roof in place of the bicycle shelter in the center between the two wings. The recess hall becomes a convenient waiting area and informal meeting place between teachers and students or parents as part of contemporary school operations. In the third option, a flexibly subdividable teachers' room is added to the extension on the west side of the gymnasium. The access to the annex is turned into a weather-protected spectator area for activities on the playground by adding new benches. After school hours, this space can be made available to the surrounding neighborhood.


The interior design of the Wehrli primary school complex is characterized by finely crafted details and a differentiated color scheme. The existing materials and color combinations are revised with respect to their history in order to create a contemporary, cheerful learning atmosphere. New components, motifs, and materials are developed from the historical elements and inserted as recognizably contemporary elements into the overall appearance.

Completed in 1970, the Rämibühl Cantonal School is Eduard Neuenschwander's main architectural masterpiece. The then largest school complex in Switzerland is located in a park at the southeast end of the university district in Zurich. Both the school buildings and the park are listed in the cantonal inventory of buildings of supra-municipal importance. The lifespan of the school complex is to be extended by a further 30-50 years with an overall renovation. For this purpose, the building envelope is to be optimized in terms of energy, the load-bearing structure is to be repaired with regard to earthquake safety, current fire protection standards are to be met, the building technology as well as the electrical and lighting installations are to be renewed, and the interior surfaces are to be overhauled. The operational reorganization from three schools to two will also require structural adjustments.


Using the 1st floor of the LG/RG wing as an example, the invited planning teams demonstrated how the listed buildings can be upgraded with a comprehensive solution to meet the requirements of a contemporary school. MET Architects' concept is based on a detailed analysis of the existing building. The energy-sustainable optimization of the historically valuable building fabric is achieved through three technical approaches: the recycled building envelope, technical fire protection and decentralized ventilation. New electrical and media technology is integrated in such a way that the existing structure is not impaired.


The requested spatial program will be accommodated in the existing zones, which will be rearranged for this purpose with minimal structural interventions. Instead of the media center on the 1st floor, the circulation zone is opened to the façade and additionally upgraded with natural daylight and a view of the outdoor space. The transparent and freely divisible learning zone along the southwest facade offers space for alternative forms of teaching.


The various learning atmospheres are substantially shaped by the geometry and orientation of the rooms. In the spirit of Eduard Neuenschwander, the corridor wall in its various articulations with lockers, showcases, display windows, half-height counters and glazing becomes the central design element. In terms of materialization, the renovation concept is based on the carefully designed original: characteristic beige needle-felt carpets, acoustically effective wood-fiber panels, exposed concrete elements, plastered walls with different textures, and walls in the colors determined by Karl Schmid create the calm and robust background for the colorful everyday school life.

The Pestalozzi school was designed as a secondary school for boys by the cantonal architect Heinrich Reese and built from 1891 to 1893. The main facade of the free-standing, neo-baroque school faces the park at St. Johanns-Platz. In 2003, the Basel architects Diener & Diener renovated the interior with great consideration for the historical building fabric and added an elevator next to the staircase in place of the teachers' toilets.

In 2019, MET Architects won the planner selection competition for additional conversion and renovation work. It included adapting the standard floors to current usage requirements, improving acoustics and lighting in the corridors and classrooms, converting the attic as well as renovating and energetically optimizing the building envelope.

The plastered natural stone façade with window casings and cornices made of sandstone was in poor condition before the renovation. The finishing coat of plaster, which had been painted over with synthetic resin paint, was removed from the entire building to allow a new, consistently mineral layering on the original plaster base. In consultation with the Cantonal department of monument preservation, the new finishing coat was rendered in the characteristic red shade typical to Basel, which marks the school as a public building. The sandstone elements were replaced or repaired and cleaned. New triple-glazed oak windows in the original partitioning and profiling were installed to improve energy efficiency. For the new centrally controlled sun shading, a salmon-coloured fabric in a style typical for the construction period was chosen.

On the first and second floor, three rooms now connect to form a learning studio. The room acoustics in the classrooms were improved with prefabricated acoustic panels in two different thicknesses tailored to the room sizes and combined to form an ornamental interwoven pattern. For fire safety reasons, a series of "blind paintings" – glass wool panels covered in fabric with oak frames – were installed the corridors.

In the converted attic, classrooms for textile crafts, storage rooms, the day care centre and the media library are arranged according to the standard floor plan. To make the attic accessible, two concrete flights of stairs with a cantilevered landing were added to the main staircase and the elevator shaft was extended over the main roof. The roof and the knee wall were insulated, and new skylights were installed in the corridor and the classrooms. Onion-domed towers modelled after original historical drawings were added at the ridge ends to provide weather-independent ventilation and night cooling of the attic. If critical CO2 levels are exceeded, ventilation hatches in the knee wall and in the towers open automatically and allow fresh air to circulate until the oxygen level is sufficient again.

The colour scheme for the attic was derived from the standard floors. The walls are clad in a contemporary interpretation of the historic dado and finished in light turquoise oil paint. In the classrooms, matching low, open shelves with countertops were installed. The fire door to the staircase and the interior are designed according to the dado. The doors to the classrooms are additionally fitted with fanlights.


Architects+General Planners: MET Architects with Rapp Architekten
Structural Engineer: wh-p Ingenieure
Electrical Engineer: Eplan AG
Heating and Ventilation: herrmann & partner Energietechnik
Sewerage and Sanitary Engineering: Bogenschütz AG
Building Physics: Gruner AG
Fire Safety: Aegerter & Bossharft AG
Photographer: Ruedi Walti, Basel

The Berufsfachschule (BFS) Basel is a centre for vocational training in retail trade, home economics, fashion and design, and social work. The school is housed in two buildings at Kohlenberggasse in Basel: the main building designed by the Basel architect Hans Bernoulli in 1916 and the narrow, six-storey "Hangbau" designed by the Zurich architect Bernhard Weiss in 1960. In 2016, MET Architects won the planner selection competition for the renovation of the theatre hall located in the lower floors of the Hangbau.

Due to its age, the building fabric and the operational equipment of the theatre hall were worn out. The renovation included structural modifications to meet current usage requirements as well as adaptations to safety and fire protection standards, the replacement of the HVAC and electrical infrastructure including stage mechanics and audio-visual equipment, as well as the renewal of all interior surfaces and the furniture. In the future, the theatre hall of the centrally located Berufsfachschule will be available to surrounding schools and external events with up to 400 people.

The spaces that were originally designed in a purely practical manner were converted into a contemporary theatre atmosphere with a minimum of structural interventions and a new selection of materials and colours. The original spaciousness of the two foyers had been significantly diminished by the installation of an elevator. By deliberately adding wall sections and introducing a uniform colour scheme, the foyers were spatially improved. To accommodate the new emergency exit in the theatre hall, the opening of the proscenium stage and the two access stairs were moved and visually centred in the space. The suspended ceiling with a rhombus relief and an integrated ventilation and lighting system provides optimised room acoustics for different performances. A semi-spiral concrete staircase serves as an additional fire escape necessitated by the higher occupancy and leads down and out into the open through the stage entrance on Steinenbachgässlein. The balcony was adapted to current safety standards by raising the parapet and adding a metal railing along the sides and in front towards the stage. The rows of seats are now accessible via new stairs on both sides instead of from the centre.

The original colour scheme, consisting mainly of grey tones, could not meet the current expectations of a public theatre and had to be reinvented. The original mural "Zwei Musen" (Two Muses) by Karl Aegerter and the remaining fittings and furniture were refurbished or renewed and integrated into the overall appearance. The new stage mechanics and audio-visual equipment covers a range of uses, from simple functions for everyday school activities to the technically sophisticated staging of concerts and theatre performances. With the renovation, the school theatre is transformed into an inner-city venue for a broad audience.


Construction Management: Martini Schäfer Baumanagement GmbH, Basel
Electrical Engineer: Eplan AG Elektroengineering, Reinach
Acoustic Consultant: Martin Lienhard, Büro für Bau- und Raumakustik, Lärmschutz
Photographer: Ruedi Walti, Basel

The Dietikon industrial school, built in 1967-1970 by Georges Künzler, is currently used by the Educational Center Limmattal (Bildungszentrum Limmattal BZLT) as a vocational school. In addition to 26 classrooms, it includes a gymnasium, a cafeteria, a library and a parking garage. The cubic building is characterized by its reduced and functional design, the distinctive window bands and the lamellar concrete facade. As an important representative of the late sixties, it is listed as a supramunicipal heritage site. After 50 years of operation, various parts of the building have reached the end of their lifespan. In the course of an overall renovation, current sustainability, building technology and fire protection guidelines are to be met, barrier-free accessibility is to be ensured, the indoor climate in the classrooms is to be improved and the teaching space is to be optimized for contemporary school activities.


The existing elevator shaft on the north side and the attached toilets on the first floor will be removed. The transport of goods and the barrier-free access to all floors will be provided by a new elevator on the south side of the floor plan. The new access core will be complemented by new restroom facilities and a new emergency staircase on all upper floors. EI30 glazing of the balustrade walls at the central ceiling opening on the 3rd floor avoids fire protection requirements for atriums and allows for a new learning studio with a variety of spatial situations: classroom-sized workshops" around the wind braces in the north; smaller, glass-separated coworking spaces for group work in the south; an open central studio area that can be subdivided in a flexible way with curtains, partitions or with furniture, and individual workstations around the glazed atrium.


The building envelope will receive new interior mineral insulation in the balustrade zone, triple-glazed aluminum windows, and a motorized sunshade. Further measures for energy optimization include heat generation with district heating, a PV system on the green roof, controlled mechanical ventilation of the building and energy-saving lighting with daylight and presence control. The roof and terrace areas will be newly sealed and insulated. All electrical installations will be replaced and the demand for electricity as well as the requirements for data transmission will be covered with a fine-meshed network of sockets, UKV connections and access points.


The color and material concept is based on the subdued palette of the historic model. In the learning studio, a wooden countertop is installed around the atrium. Glass partitions visually extend the space to the horizon. The use of semi-transparent colored curtains as flexible room dividers lends the monochromatic space a light and cheerful atmosphere.

The Wirtschaftsgymnasium in Basel's St. Alban neighborhood was designed by cantonal architect Julius Maurizio and built in 1941. The building complex, which is now listed in the inventory of the cantonal heritage preservation office, is composed of four buildings: a five-story main wing, a three-story south wing, a transversal auditorium wing, and separate sports halls with a former janitor's apartment. A comprehensive need for modernization of the building's technical installations was determined in 2017, which required an extensive redevelopment of the entire complex. Spatial and technical improvements were to ensure that the school could continue to provide state-of-the-art education in the future.

The modifications to the building structure included the renovation of the roof and the building envelope, including new wooden windows and centrally controlled sun blinds. The thermal energy previously generated by a gas-powered combined heat and power plant is now provided by a district heating system. The sewerage was partially replaced, and the freshwater infrastructure completely renewed. All buildings were equipped with a fiber-optic network and the multimedia technology was updated to meet the newest requirements.

The most significant spatial modifications are the installation of a cafeteria, a media library and a new elevator as well as the reorganization of the sports hall building and the renovation of the former janitor's apartment, which is now being used as a kindergarten. Structural measures had to be taken throughout the building complex to comply with current standards and laws regarding earthquake resistance, fire protection and general safety requirements, and to provide barrier-free accessibility.

The ceramic floors in the corridors and stair halls as well as the historic wooden mosaic floor and the wooden ceiling in the auditorium were preserved. All other interior surfaces were completely renewed. For this purpose, a detailed color and material schedule was developed to give the interiors a carefully designed, welcoming appearance. Subtle distinctions on each floor facilitate orientation, transform the circulation areas into recreational spaces and disrupt the uniformity of the standard floors.

A new elevator provides barrier-free access to all floors. The sanitary facilities were replaced throughout the building complex. The physics, chemistry and biology laboratories were completely refurbished. The new cafeteria extends over the southeast side of the southern wing of the building. The area of the former corridor is used for the kitchen. A staircase at the end of the kitchen leads to the basement with all relevant service rooms. In the auditorium, the wooden ceiling and floor were restored and the technology was updated. Above the auditorium, a media library was installed which is lit by north-facing skylights and the pre-existing round windows in the side walls.

In the sports hall building, the access was simplified, and the newly freed-up space was used to expand the equipment rooms. A short ramp leads from the recreation area to the new entry with direct access to the sports halls. By replacing all interior surfaces, the sports halls and the kindergarden in the former janitor's apartment were transformed into a contemporary appearance.


Construction Management: Rapp Architekten AG, Münchenstein
Structural Engineer: wh-p Ingenieure AG, Basel

Electrical Engineer: Eplan AG, Reinach

Mechanical Engineer: herrmann & partner Energietechnik GmbH, Basel

Landscape Architect: META Landschaftsarchitektur GmbH, Basel
Photographer: Ruedi Walti, Basel

The public swimming pool Gartenbad Bachgraben was built in 1962 to the designs of Otto and Walter Senn and extends across the cantonal border between Basel-Stadt and Basel-Land (Allschwil). MET Architects won the open competition for the renovation of the listed restaurant building, which was to incorporate a youth centre. Because the building was originally intended for summer use only and upgrading it for year-round use would have significantly impaired the historic substance, they proposed the former caretaker's house as an alternative location for the youth centre.

The caretaker's house had already been occupied year-round and was suitable for the new use due to its immediate vicinity to the former youth club, the direct access from outside the pool premises and having its own garden. The caretaker’s apartment was located on the upper floor, the ground floor provided changing rooms and recreational areas for the staff as well as ancillary rooms for the operation of the pool, and the basement accommodated various storage and utility rooms along with an an air-raid shelter.

The three floors are now connected by a barrier-free elevator. Toilets were installed in the northern corner in both above-ground floors. On the ground floor, several walls were demolished and, where necessary, the structural system was re-established with new pillars, creating two large group rooms with direct access to the garden. On the upper floor, the former kitchen and living room were connected to form an additional group room. The basement remains largely unchanged.

In coordination with the cantonal department of monument preservation, the window openings on the southeast side were enlarged and a new door was added at the end of the window strip on the garden side. To meet current safety standards, the historic railing was raised and the lower part closed with wire mesh - a design element inspired by other projects by the Senn brothers.

The exposed concrete façade was in very poor condition. Reinforcement that had corroded over the years had been improperly repaired and entire façade areas plastered and painted over repeatedly. Reconstruction of the exposed concrete was considered and rejected in favour of a detailed "repair concept". Depending on the layer thickness, various methods were used to remove the coating mechanically, chemically or by snap freezing. Depth impregnation was subsequently used on the concrete and the colour and graphic structure of the original board formwork was restored through retouching. This established a historic preservation approach that will be applied to the entire pool renovation.

The interior insulation was replaced to meet current energy requirements along with new triple-glazed wood windows with historic profiles and new entrance doors. The interior wood shutters on the upper floor were restored and the same type of sun protection added in on the northeast and southwest facades. A geothermal probe in the garden enables heating via a heat pump and the former gravel roof was turned into a green roof with a photovoltaic system. With these measures, the listed exposed concrete building could be energetically optimized.

After the structural adjustments and the integration of the new building technology, all interior surfaces were renovated. The clinker floor in the staircase was preserved, the common and office rooms were fitted with new linoleum flooring and the surfaces in the sanitary areas were newly tiled. The existing walls and new interior insulation were plastered and painted. The corridor and group rooms were equipped with sound-absorbing ceilings and the entire building was fitted with new light fixtures.


Construction Management: Martini Schäfer Baumanagement GmbH, Basel

Structural Engineer: wh-p Ingenieure AG, Basel

Electrical Engineer: Eplan AG Elektroengineering, Reinach

Mechanical Engineer: Herrmann + Partner Energietechnik GmbH, Basel

Photographer: Ruedi Walti, Basel

The BASF and Novartis factory sites in Kleinbasel's Klybeck district will no longer be needed for industrial purposes in the future. With the "Vision klybeckplus", the intention is to open up the sites to the public and to create a diverse and lively urban neighbourhood by adding new structures to the existing buildings that are worth preserving. In 2021, the pension fund "SwissLife" announced a single stage, non-anonymous project competition with development concept for the conversion of the listed building “K-26”.

"K-26" was built in 1937 by CIBA Baubüro as a warehouse. The six open floors of the concrete building are characterized by the mushroom columns that taper towards the top. The first floor recedes slightly on the east and west side, the third and fourth floors are double-height with a mezzanine and an atrium in the centre as well as set-back ceilings along the façade. The building is to be converted with as little modifications as possible to fulfil current safety and energy requirements, accommodate future user needs, as well as made accessible to people with impaired mobility.

While from the outside “K-26” represents the industrial history of the area, programmatically it is to become a beacon for the transformation of the Klybeck district. After the renovation, the building would have a strong public appeal and thus become an urban nucleus that would vitalize the neighbourhood even before it has become established. The ground floor would be used as a "food factory." The façades on the east and west sides can be fully opened to blur the boundary between inside and outside during the summer. On the upper floors, following international examples, creative uses such as a "forum", a "makerspace", an indoor playground, co-working spaces and offices are proposed. Alternatively, all floors can be divided into up to three rental units. This would also allow for a mix of different uses within a single floor and allow the building to adapt to future user demands.

The main entry to the ground floor is provided by a new ramp across the entire front of the east side. The existing elevator shafts and staircases will be updated and continue to be used for the vertical circulation. The staircase in the southeast corner of the building will be extended to all floors, and an additional staircase will be installed next to the elevator in the northeast corner within the building structure. With the dual use as access and escape staircases, all floors remain freely divisible while fulfilling fire safety requirements. Washrooms with wheelchair-accessible toilets are provided adjacent to the staircases and elevators on all floors.

To preserve the striking appearance of K-26, the exposed concrete façades are to be insulated on the inside. This layer can simultaneously be used for the integration of sun protection as well as heating and electrical installations. The industrial concrete lattice windows will be replaced with triple-glazed wood windows modelled after the pre-existing windows of the former offices on the south side to comply with current energy requirements. Due to its historical use as a warehouse, the building does not have any technical infrastructure. For future use, access shafts for technical equipment can be integrated along the staircase and in the former elevator on the west side of the building. In the basement, utility rooms for heating, plumbing, electricity and a secondary ventilation system are planned. The roof and terrace areas will be insulated, extensively greened and equipped with a photovoltaic system.

The gymnasium and swimming hall, planned by cantonal architect Hans Luder and completed in 1967, is part of the Vogelsang school complex in Basel's Wettstein district. The striking building is composed of two perpendicular halls, their ancillary areas and a former caretaker's house, which is connected to the halls by an elongated canopy. The exposed concrete and the large oak windows are typical examples of the high-quality, functional and durable choice of materials of this period.

The exterior of the building seemed to be in good condition, but the inner surfaces showed significant signs of wear and needed a complete refurbishment. The building and electrical services had to be replaced, current safety, fire protection and earthquake standards had to be fulfilled and the building envelope had to be improved in terms of energy efficiency. The aim of the conversion was to carefully renovate the high-quality but aging building and to further develop in line with the 1960s aesthetic to create a contemporary appearance.

The low concrete ceiling in the entrance hall was painted in the warm yellow tone of the original colour palette. A different, finely graded shade of green and blue was chosen for each changing room to facilitate orientation. The temporarily covered skylights were opened up and fitted with a new, specially created light fixture, which along with the white paint visually heightens the ceiling of these low rooms. The original wooden benches were refurbished and re-equipped with the original heating pipes. The toilets and changing rooms for teachers in the anterooms to the gymnasiums were renovated and fitted with new surfaces.

All surfaces in the two gymnasiums were revised. The windows were replaced in a lighter shade of oak, which lends a fresher look to the building. The newly insulated roofs are clad with grey acoustic panels. The oak-veneered wall panels were dismantled, repaired, sanded down and reinstalled after the replacement of the heating system. The new red sports flooring combined with the wood and exposed concrete creates a coherent overall appearance.

A new elevator with doors on both sides provides wheelchair access to the basement floor and the swimming pool level. The anteroom adjacent to the swimming hall is equipped with large steps to offer seating for visitors. A picture window frames the view of the swimming hall.

The swimming pool was technically upgraded and finished with penny tiles in nuanced shades of light blue. The stepped tribune leading into the pool was maintained and refreshed with light grey penny tiles. On the walls, white and black tiles form bold contrasts to the blue of the water. A graphic pattern on the back wall of the hall plays with the perspective and lends the pool a new identity.


Construction Management: Bernstein Bâtir AG, Basel

Structural Engineer: wh-p Ingenieure AG, Basel

Electrical Engineer: Eplan AG, Reinach

Mechanical Engineer: herrmann & partner Energietechnik GmbH, Basel

Wall graphic: Claudiabasel, Basel

Photographer: Ruedi Walti, Basel

The Vogesen, Pestalozzi and St. Johann schools in the north of Basel form an open block perimeter around a schoolyard with an underground gymnasium and swimming hall. The hall, built in 1980 by the architects Gass and Hafner, is spanned by six concrete girders. Due to recurring problems with the watertightness of the ceiling and the layout of the courtyard no longer meeting the needs of the surrounding schools, the renovation of the structure and redesign of the space was commissioned in 2017.

The schoolyard was cleared of above-ground structures such as skylights, a fountain and plant troughs, as well as the old insulation and pavement. The new floor was insulated and sealed to prevent water from seeping in again. On top, a 12 cm thick concrete distribution slab was installed for the trafficability of the surface. The areas adjacent to the surrounding buildings were sealed with rolled asphalt. Laid out with synthetic sports flooring, the courtyard now offers two basketball courts. The bleachers were dismantled down to their supporting structure, revised and supplemented with two covered grandstands for spectators, which extend across the entire width of the court and form a stadium-like space that can be used by the schools and the neighbourhood for recess, sports and leisure activities.

The two sunken atriums for lighting the underground halls at the ends of the square are retained. The new concrete half-frames supporting the grandstand roofs are seamlessly attached to the exterior previously non-load bearing concrete columns and are anchored back into the interior concrete girders with bolts. The carefully finished galvanized railings and the stair edges, which are accentuated with sandblasted strips, form a contrast to the raw concrete surfaces.

The two roofs, each projecting about six meters, feature very prominently from the schools. In order to protect the concrete from permeating moisture and do justice to the high visibility, the roofs were covered with the same red synthetic surface used for the basketball courts. The playing field is optically extended over the upper floors of the surrounding buildings.


Construction Management: Caretta + Weidmann, Basel

Strucutural Engineer: WMM Ingenieure, Basel

Electrical Engineer: Eplan, Reinach
Photographer: Ruedi Walti, Basel

The "former home of Sebastian Buchegger", known as Buchegger House, was built in 1907 as the first detached house of a new colony in Augsburg's Thelott neighbourhood, which is now under heritage protection as Germany's oldest garden city. Since 1995 the house has been occupied by the Architekturmuseum Schwaben (architecture museum Swabia). Because the spaces of the historic house no longer fit the museum's needs, the Arno Buchegger Foundation announced a competition for an extension in 2019.

The noble country house is situated at the northern end of a long plot between two streets. To do justice to the importance of the historic house, the extension was designed as a single-storey garden-side extension, which is a subordinate to the main building in form and material. The access to the museum via the representative main entrance of the Buchegger House remains unchanged. With the installation of an elevator, barrier-free access can be provided to all floors of the building. The spaces for the permanent exhibition, the cloakroom and toilets are located on the ground floor and first floor. The well-lit attic could be converted and used as an office space if required.

The extension connects to the house at the garden level, where there is also a meeting room with a kitchenette as well as utility and storage rooms. The elongated building extends along the boundary of the plot and its roof shape follows the topography. From the main hall for temporary exhibitions, an exit leads out into the garden, which is thus more strongly embedded into the exhibition circuit. The exhibition depot at the southern end of the extension can be accessed from the rear road without obstructing exhibition activities.

The new building is designed as a timber-frame structure with a concrete base and a copper-covered pitched roof. The ventilated wooden cladding is finished in the same green colour as the wooden trellises on the main building. The garden with its orchard will be redesigned as a kitchen garden in the Buchegger spirit of self-sufficiency and become a central element in relaying the idea of the garden city.

St. Karli school, designed by the city’s architect Karl Mossdorf and completed in 1911, stands on an artificially created plateau elevated above the street and bordered by high dry stone walls. The main access to the school is via a monumental flight of steps. The large south-facing courtyard at the top of the steps makes a desolate impression, due to the almost completely asphalted surface and the 1964 extension of the gym.

Along with the proposed renovation and extension the aim is to create more variation for the exterior space by defining areas with different functions. Chestnut trees planted along the southern edge of the plateau will provide welcome shade. A green space with sandboxes and water pools easily visible from the kindergarten is planned for the south-eastern edge. The south-western half of the courtyard will be the school playground, with a covered recreational area in the middle and playground equipment distributed along the gravelled border.

To reveal the qualities of the historic buildings, the 1964 extension with locker rooms will be demolished and the south façade of the gymnasium restored to its original appearance. Outside access will make it easier to use the gym and the new locker rooms on the first floor when the school is closed. An auditorium and a kindergarten will be located in the prolonged base in the east part of the school building. The historic window openings will be extended to the ground.

The new day-care centre will be housed in the base of the plateau. The new arched windows make the day-care activities visible from the street and reduce the monumental appearance of the castle-like school complex. A pre-existing storage area accessible from St. Karli-Strasse, currently used by the city maintenance department, will be converted into the main entrance with a cloakroom, office, bathrooms and kitchen. Adjacent rooms behind the historic stone wall will be built to house the childcare rooms, playrooms and dining rooms. Generous, south-facing windows allow plenty of daylight to enter the vaulted rooms. The new use of the plateau base will better embed the school in its neighbourhood and invigorate the directly adjoining public space.

The property is located on the western flank of the Lebanon Mountains. The area extends over 60,000 m² and is densely covered with century-old pine trees. The brief comprised two parts: a weekend house for a single individual and an independent guest house with a pool.

The construction site for the weekend house was chosen in the middle of the property in order to maximize the view without having to clear the historic pine trees. It consists of a ground floor and a basement that is half buried in the terrain. The overhanging, slightly sloping roof, with a surface area of 20x12 m, interrupts the natural slope of the topography. The west façade of the house stands on a retaining wall of natural stone, which extends around the house to the east side and encompasses a slightly elevated green area.

Inside the pavilion-like house, the program is kept to a minimum. Two enclosed volumes interrupt the open space: the first contains the kitchen, guest toilet and wardrobe, the second separates the living area from the sleeping area and contains the bathroom and a walk-in wardrobe. The height of the space is determined by the tapered roof, from the high ceilings in the dining area to the intimate and cosy bedroom.

The guest house with pool is located downhill, at the edge of the property. It is embedded in the natural topography and blends seamlessly into the hilly landscape with its natural stone façade and the subtle openings towards the valley. Averted from the weekend house, the guest rooms offer visitors maximum privacy. The 20 meter lap pool is situated on the roof of the guest house. With its infinity edge on two sides, it offers a panoramic view over the valley and the surrounding mountains.


Construction Management: Khater Contracting Group, Mansourieh

Electrical Engineer: Roger Ngeim, Beirut

Mechanical Engineer: Roger Kazopoulo, Mansourieh

Landscape Architect: Francis Landscape, Sin El Fil and Loubna Hijazi, Beirut

Photographer: Ieva Saudargaité, Beirut

House 186 in Riehen, also called “Haus zum Mohr”, is located in the middle of a green area with historic trees. Built in 1912 as a home and studio for the artist Emil Gerster and his family, the building is now part of the adjoining “Gute Herberge” residential school. The house is notable for its original lead glazing with coloured glass and coat of arms motifs, which were produced by the artist and heraldist himself, as well as the eponymous mosaic “Zum Mohr” on the front facade of the building.

The facade renovation included energy-saving measures in the area of windows and external doors to improve comfort and reduce power consumption. To preserve the historically valuable lead glazing and impair its appearance as little as possible, the renovation was carried out in strict compliance with the highest standards of historic conservation. New composite sashes with double glazing were inserted between the picture windows and the storm windows. The storm windows were repaired and repainted. The requirements for a comfortable indoor climate could thus be met without impairing the internal and external appearance of the windows.

The facades were severely damaged. The mineral plaster had been coated with a layer of synthetic resin, which interrupted natural diffusion and created a large quantity of cavities. The irrevocably destroyed plaster was removed and replaced. A new colour scheme was chosen, making the studio house stand out against the main building of the residential school and doing justice to its location in the middle of the park. 


Baumanagement: Martini Schäfer, Basel

Photographer: Alexander Gempeler, Bern

St. Johann school was planned by cantonal architect Heinrich Reese and built from 1886 to 1888 in the characteristic symmetrical style of the Neo-Renaissance. Despite several renovations in the past, the interior features were in good condition. The restoration concept therefore aimed to maintain the spatial qualities of the building and to preserve the nature of the existing surfaces, thus writing a new chapter in the building’s history instead making a hard break. For the attic conversion, however, it was necessary to define a new character.

The surface treatment was based on material and colour analyses that revealed four different periods: the original ochre-beige tones, a green, blue and red phase, a grey period and finally a return to the original colours. Starting from one of the brownish oxide-red tones of 1932, we developed various shades of red for the wooden elements. To achieve a better light reflection, the ceilings were painted white, while the corridor walls were kept in a delicate pink shade and those of the classrooms were painted in a complementary light green.

The attic is accessed via a new central staircase. The reduced room height under the roof is compensated with carefully selected surface colours and materials. The new drawing and textile rooms are naturally lit by timber-aluminium skylights. All along the knee wall, a built-in cabinet with light linoleum inlays provides storage space and individual workstations.

New building components (earthquake reinforcement, fire protection, safety measures, building services, media and electrical systems, barrier-free access) were integrated in such a way that they fulfil today’s requirements without impairing the spatial qualities of the historic building.


Construction Management: Caretta + Weidmann, Basel
Structural Engineer: WMM Ingenieure, Basel
Electrical Engineer: Eplan AG Reinach
Mechanical Engineer: Schüler + Blatter, Liestal
Photographer: Christian Kahl, Basel

The Vogesen school was built between 1993 and 1996 by Basel architects Diener & Diener. It consists of four above-ground floors and three underground floors with a gymnasium. In 1997 it was awarded the “Auszeichnung guter Bauten” (Good Buildings Award) for its urban and interior qualities. Most of the building was still in its original condition at the beginning of the construction.

In accordance with school harmonisation, the spatial requirements for a modern secondary school were to be implemented and the building energetically and technically renovated to meet current standards and laws. Two learning landscapes, consisting of learning studios, input and group rooms, as well as workstations in the corridors, were installed on all the standard floors. The main challenge here was how to deal with the rooms designed by the artist Peter Suter in different colours. The aim was to find a creative response to the new spatial and pedagogical requirements through minimal structural alterations.

The slender partition walls were carefully removed so that the original room configuration remained visible and the colour concept with its different colours for each room became even more legible. The traces on the ceilings and walls from the removal of the partitions were preserved, cleaned and painted black. The floor indentation was filled and covered with black linoleum. The space now met the new requirements without concealing its historical design.

New features include a regeneration kitchen with a dining room, a school kitchen with a theory room and several preparation and classrooms with laboratories for science lessons. Additionally, all wall surfaces were renewed, the ceilings acoustically upgraded and the media technology adapted to contemporary requirements. Throughout the building the fire protection standards were fulfilled and guardrails according to the current norms installed for all windows and roofs.


Construction Management: Caretta + Weidmann, Basel
Structural Engineer: WMM Ingenieure, Basel
Electrical Engineer: Eplan AG Reinach
Mechanical Engineer: Schüler + Blatter, Liestal
Photographer: Christian Kahl, Basel

The 350 m² apartment with a conventional floor plan is located on the fourth floor of a residential building in Beirut's Ashrafieh neighbourhood. The owners, a married couple living in Monaco and their adult children currently living in Paris and London, use the apartment as a secondary residence where they spend time together. For this purpose, they wanted the apartment to be better suited to their cosmopolitan lifestyle.

The rooms were rearranged in such a way that the representative and private parts of the apartment are clearly separated. The special focus of the commission was on the design of the reception area for social gatherings. The entrance hall with its raised ceiling and high-quality materials sets a generous and luxurious tone. The pattern of the marble floor and the diamond-shaped light bands embedded in the ceiling appear almost three-dimensional. Slits in the plastered walls provide glimpses of the living room. The accordion folding of the oak panelling conceals a wardrobe and a door leading into the private section of the apartment.

The large living room faces a backlit fireplace which extends along the entire width of the room. The brass and marble bar, the long sideboard and walls coated with shiny textured paint set additional spatial accents. Suspended ceilings, subtle material changes and the careful furnishing create a zoning of the space without obstructing it.

The bedrooms form a contrast to the open space in the representative part of the apartment. In the narrow rooms, the furnishing is reduced to the essentials. Simple, custom-made furniture offers plenty of storage space. Fitted carpets and floor-to-ceiling flowing curtains enhance the intimacy of these rooms.


Photographer: Ieva Saudargaitė, Beirut

The Maronite cemetery in Beirut is one of the few remaining green spaces in the increasingly dense city. Having a family vault here is a symbol of wealth, and a waiting list is maintained for available cemetery plots. The mausoleums and tombs are decorated in various ways with religious symbols and ornaments.

The client, the wife of a Lebanese businessman, bought a 3×3.6 m plot a few years ago. She asked us to build a new family vault for herself, her husband and her descendants, all of whom were in excellent health. We were impressed by their pragmatism towards this unusual commission. The planning process was at the same time intimate and abstract. The challenge was to plan a resting place in the sense of a “final home”.

We designed the vault as a space for meditation. A frame with two closed, as well as two open sides occupies the entire plot. The concrete structure is covered with cast stone. A recurring cross motif was implemented as an expression of the client’s deep faith. A large Latin cross made of brass is embedded in the back wall of the vault. The main supports in the roof of the pergola create a cross, whose spaces are filled with a finely lasered cast stone lattice of crosses. This creates an intricate play of light and shadow on the simple tombstone, which conceals the entrance to the underground vault. 

Built in 1912 by the Basel architect Rudolf Sandgruber for the storage of cocoa, the bulk goods silo is located on the site of the former Deutsche Bahn freight terminal in the north of the Kleinbasel district. Early on in the development of the Erlenmatt Ost neighbourhood, the Habitat Foundation decided to preserve the building as a historical testimony to the former use of the site, thus giving it an identity. The aim was to create a socio-cultural setting with a variety of uses that could be accessed and experienced by everyone.

Due to its past use as a silo, the building had to be extensively renovated, upgraded in terms of earthquake safety and equipped with technical installations. The building access, the vertical and horizontal circulation and the layout must be adapted to future space and usage requirements that remain to be defined. In addition, the building envelope must be completely redesigned to provide natural daylight to the interior spaces and comply with contemporary energy efficiency standards.

Each floor of the building has specific qualities: the large column hall with silo funnels hanging from the ceiling on the ground floor, the previously inaccessible silo chambers made of concrete columns and partition walls on the first floor and the nave-like roof truss constructed of inclined concrete girders on the second floor.

The conversion concept is based on this horizontal layering. The ground floor is occupied by a multifunctional hall and a restaurant. The facade areas along the terrace to the west will be fully glazed. The stair cases and ancillary rooms will be located along the east facade. Three scenarios are planned for the upper floors: “Studios”, “Event” and “Hostel”. The robust framework allows for a flexible adaptation to the respective spatial needs. The openings in the facade are designed according to the daylight requirements of the various programmes.

Hebel school was built from 1952 to 1953 by the Basel architects Rasser & Vadi. Two parallel classroom wings, diagonal to the street and facing south, are connected by a long, narrow wing that ends in the former gymnasium. With its clear overall organisation, direct connection to the outside spaces, generous windows, protected recess and recreation areas, cross-ventilation and attractive details, the pavilion school complied with the guidelines for child-friendly school architecture of the time. The school, which is listed in the inventory of protected buildings, had been preserved in its original form. A wooden building, erected in 1994 parallel to Langelängeweg, is also part of the school complex.

The school is characterised in particular by the contrast between its simple exterior and the intense colours of the interior. Research was undertaken in a colour study to determine the original hues, and the colour scheme for the renovation was derived from the results. The carefully executed interventions preserve the character and historical qualities of the school building.

The conversion of the former gymnasium into an auditorium required the integration of new elements into the existing building. The changing rooms were converted into a spacious foyer with sliding windows that open onto an outdoor terrace. In the art room above the home economics facilities, interior walls were removed to create an open space for a municipal library. Wheelchair access is ensured even after school hours by a new lift tower outside the building.

In addition to the energy-related retrofitting of the building shell, the insertion of new earthquake walls, various fire protection measures and technical upgrades, the brief also included adaptations to accommodate new educational formats: installations for multimedia projectors and computers with network connections; group rooms for project work with connecting doors to the classrooms; acoustic measures; teacher workstations; flexible rooms for school administration, social work, remedial teaching, etc. The requirements of the current school reform (HarmoS) could thus be met while ensuring that the best possible use will be made of this architecturally valuable school complex in the coming decades.


Construction Management / Structural Engineer: Proplaning AG, Basel
Electrical Engineer: Eplan AG, Reinach
Mechanical Engineer: Amstein + Walthert AG, Basel
Landscape Architect: mit August + Margrith Künzel Landschaftsarchitekten, Binningen
Photographer: Ruedi Walti, Basel

The cantonal high school “Im Lee” in Winterthur consists of three buildings: in addition to the main building, designed by the Pfister brothers and built from 1926 to 1928, the school complex includes the “Villa Bühlhalde” and the “Varielbau” from the 1970s, which was originally intended to be only temporary. The school activities currently taking place in the “Villa Bühlhalde” and the “Varielbau” are to be relocated to the main building. For this purpose, the attic is to be converted and the common halls adapted to be spaces for individual and group work.

The converted attic is accessed via the extension of the existing staircase. A naturally-lit corridor set off from the building’s central axis leads to the new rooms for music lessons. Due to concerns about maintaining the existing roof structure, the rooms are laid out in such a way as to ensure that the roof truss only needs to be modified near the staircases and the large music halls. The new skylights are positioned on the north side. Additional windows in the jamb walls also offer a direct view of the surroundings. The acoustic systems are tailored to their use in the respective rooms.

The spatial qualities of the large recreation halls are to be preserved in the course of the conversion. Besides the teaching-related activities, the halls offer a space for exchanges between pupils. To meet the fire safety requirements, the stairwells are separated from the halls by fire-resistant glazing. Furthermore, a new acoustic ceiling system and brighter lighting will be installed.

The existing plaster will be removed from all facades of the listed building and replaced by a mineral-based insulating plaster system. The windows from the 1980s will be replaced with new oil-painted wooden windows with triple glazing and traditional grilles. A new wood chip heating system replaces the existing oil heating, and the plumbing and electrical installations are modernised and adapted to meet the current legal stipulations. As a result, the overall energy consumption is reduced without impairing the historical appearance of the building. 


Fotograf: Walter Mair, Basel

The Ain Mereisseh neighbourhood, located in the western part of Beirut, was originally inhabited by fishermen and their families and is now an extremely popular residential area. During the reconstruction necessary after damage caused by past wars, the basic structures of buildings dating back to the 19th century have been overlaid by new buildings and other types of real estate.

The four-storey residential building in Van Dick Street was built in the 1930s and expanded to include a two-storey apartment in the early 1960s. Despite the extensive damage from the last civil war, its basic substance was still in good shape. The commission comprised completely renovating and slightly enlarging the apartment for prospective tenants.

The special features of the apartment, which is oriented to three sides, are the large reception area and the numerous terraces and balconies with their brise soleils made of concrete. The floor plan of the entrance and hallways was slightly changed during renovation, and the new, floor-to-ceiling openings in the facade provide views of the sea and the city centre. Most of the power required for air conditioning, heating, hot water, and electricity is now being generated by a separate solar energy plant. The building services and the building envelope have also been modernised.

A terrazzo floor for both the interior of the apartment and the terraces was produced locally. The material and colour of the facade were chosen so that over time they would blend in with the colour and surfaces of the buildings in the neighbourhood and thus become a natural part of it.


Photographers: Geraldine Bruneel, Paris / Dina Debbas, Beirut

The large special wing of the “Zürcher Oberland” cantonal high school was built in 1964 by the architect Max Ziegler as an extension of the original school dating from 1956. The listed school complex has already been renovated and extended several times. The impression of space inside the buildings is decisively influenced by the wide corridors, the well-lit, spacious classrooms and the two broad staircases. The rich contrast between the warm comfort of the colours and materials from the 1950s and the sober expression of those from the 1960s is striking. In the 3rd construction phase from 1985 to 1987, the surfaces were sometimes considerably changed, so that contrary to the original concept uniformity and monochromaticity now dominate.

According to the plan, the technical requirements, official stipulations and energy-saving measures are carefully integrated into the historical building. The existing architectural vocabulary is reused, recombined and supplemented with new elements. The aim is to reactivate the original quality and energy intrinsic to the house and thus to create a harmonious overall feeling that cannot be traced back to the time of its origin.

The glass wall between the auditorium and the large special wing is replaced, pushed back to align with the auditorium and the colour matched to the anthracite of the facade. A new service elevator makes all the floors wheelchair-accessible. The design of the surfaces is based on the original concept for colours and materials from the 1960s. A uniform plaster surface with flush-mounted round ceiling lights is installed on the ceilings as the new acoustic system. New aluminium skylights bring additional light into the corridors.

The west staircase is separated from the two-storey hall by fire-resistant glazing to create an escape route. For the school, this results in a new, versatile space for meetings, breaks, homework or as an alternative area for regular teaching. In the large display cabinets, illustrative material from physics, chemistry and biology can be exhibited or works of art that pupils produce in their drawing or crafts lessons. The comfortable seating areas, central lighting and improved acoustics combine to create a pleasant atmosphere detached from that of regular classrooms.


Photographer: Walter Mair, Basel

The 480m² apartment is located on the tenth floor of a new residential building in the western part of Beirut. The client, a diamond trader of Lebanese descent who lives in Antwerp, commissioned us with converting the unfinished apartment into his secondary residence. The central location as well as the exceptional view of the sea and the last remaining sandy beach in the heart of the city were decisive factors for the purchase.

The apartment was transformed into a unique and personal living space while retaining the load bearing structure and existing building services. In order to fulfil the client's request for a spacious reception area and exhibition space for his art collection on the one hand and private family quarters on the other, the floor plan of the apartment had to be significantly altered.

The small anteroom with access to the elevators was fitted with grey Italian travertine and a generous chandelier. The main entrance leads into the representative part of the apartment, which extends over its entire depth. The large loggia, which offers a view of the beach, was enclosed with glass. Bright monochrome surfaces provide an ideal backdrop for exhibiting the client’s art collection and vintage furniture.

An ebony-clad niche with sliding doors connects to the family room and a long hallway with a luminous ceiling that leads to the bedrooms. The en-suite bathrooms are finished with different materials: Statuario marble for the parents’ bathroom, Bisazza tiles in the children's bathrooms and backlit onyx in the guest bathroom.


Photographer: Astrid Challita, Beirut



A different kind of office meeting: we changed sides of the Rhine to experience the urban transformation of the former Lysbüchel industrial site at first hand.

1st prize, complete renovation of the extension to the Frohheim school complex, Olten

We are delighted to have been awarded 1st place in the planning selection process for the complete renovation of the extension to the Frohheim school complex in Olten in collaboration with Bauteam05.

3rd place competition school building Ländli, Baden
in collaboration with Bauteam 05

Prix SIA public voting
Youth Center Bachgraben and Pestalozzi School are in the running for the Prix SIA audience award.
Vote by May 21st!

Repaired exposed concrete façade:
Youth center at Gartenbad Bachgraben in Basel

Article online at Baunetz_Wissen

In werk, bauen + wohnen 12-2023 Thomas Thalhofer and Roula Moharram are introduced as new members of the BSA

Renovating a building while it is occupied is a particular challenge. We would like to thank the tenants of the Duggingerhof residential complex for their patience and support!

7.12.2023 The Swiss Society of Cultural Heritage Protection SGKGS honours our conversion and renovation work in Basel with a special mention at this year's KGS award

11.2023 «Hidden transformation»
Maria-Theresa Lampe reviews the BFS theatre hall in Hochparterre

15.11.2023: «Creating space in the school»
The article by Andrea Wiegelman concludes the series on the Pestalozzi school on


MET Architects site visit - Andrea Perletti giving us a tour of the Gellert primary school


Theatersaal Berufsfachschule Basel is building of the week

Renovation «Zum Adlerberg»

MET Architects are renovating the listed «Zum Adlerberg», built by Curjel & Moser in 1899. The renovation aims to give the property back to its initial residential use.

New BSA members

Roula Moharram and Thomal Thalhofer are elected to the BSA Bund Schweizer Architektinnen und Architekten (Swiss architects' association), Basel chapter.


6.−7. May 2023, OPEN HOUSE BASEL

Guided tours of Pestalozzi School, Bachgraben youth center and Berufsfachschule theatre hall.


MET Architects cordially invite you to the opening of «Gellert Gym Hall H»:
Friday, 24. March 23 – from 4 PM
Emanuel Büchel-Str. 15, 4052 Basel

Espazium 06.03.23
Audioslides: «Schulhaus Pestalozzi: Surfaces and details»

1st prize for the Hotel Merian refurbishment study

MET Architects & Morger Partner Architekten in collaboration with Grego and Martini Schäfer Baumanagement won the first prize for their refurbishment study of Hotel Merian in Basel.

Espazium 11.10.22
«First glimpse of Pes­ta­loz­zi Schoolhouse»

Espazium 15.07.22
Reportage – Part 4: «Pestalozzi school building: Air in the Roof»

Wirtschaftsgymnasium is "Bau der Woche"

22 June 2022, BDA Lectures, Kempten

"auf den zweiten Blick..."

Stadium Vogesen wins the Otto-Borst-Preis 2022 in the category Open Space Design - Prize for Urban Renewal

14−15 May 2022, OPEN HOUSE BASEL!
MET Architects is participating: Wirtschaftsgymnasium and Vogelsang gym and swimming hall.

MET Architects is participating in "Open Office" and presents the exhibition "Beirut, Naked City". Photography work by Ieva Saudargaitė Douaihi with a lecture of A. Medawar and M. Herz.

Espazium 11.03.22
Reportage – Part 3: «Re­por­ta­ge Pestalozzi school building: Wind towers»

Gym and Swimming Hall Vogelsang in werk, bauen + wohnen, 3 – 2022

Guest Critic Final Reviews Prof. Meinrad Morger
KIT Karlsruhe, February 2022

Espazium 12.01.22
Reportage – Part 2: «Reportage Pestalozzi school building: Focus on supporting structure»

4 December 2021, Architektur Dialoge Basel

Guided tour: Wirtschaftsgymnasium Basel

Espazium 21.09.21

Reportage – Part 1: «Thinking upwards: conversion of the Pestalozzi school building in Basel»

MET Architects was founded in 2009 by Roula Moharram and Thomas Thalhofer. With a team of international, highly qualified employees, we develop independent solutions specifically adapted to each building project.


Our portfolio includes new buildings and conversions of various scales, from small direct commissions such as a family tomb in Beirut to the complete redevelopment of entire school complexes as the result of a planner competition, such as the Wirtschaftsgymnasium in Basel. In close dialogue with our clients, we create comprehensible, identity-forming and long-lasting architecture that receives public recognition in the form of publications and awards.


With numerous competition successes, we have established ourselves as specialists in the handling of listed buildings. Our approach is characterized by a thorough analysis and evaluation of the urban context, the socio-cultural background and the historical structure. Based on these findings, we develop projects that meet current programmatic and technical user requirements with high constructive quality, individual detailed solutions and creative sensitivity and begin a new life cycle for the historical building.



Roula Moharram was born in Beirut, Lebanon, in 1968. She graduated from UP9 Paris-La Seine in 1994 as Architecte DPLG. From 1994 to 1999 she worked as an architect for Pierre El Khoury & Partners in Beirut. In 2000 she opened the office Roula Moharram Architects in Beirut, which she managed until 2009. In partnership with Thomas Thalhofer, she founded MET Architects in Basel in 2009. In the same year, she was a guest critic at ETH Studio Basel for a research project in Beirut. Since 2018, she has been a member of the Arab Center for Architecture ACA. In 2023, she was elected to the BSA Bund Schweizer Architektinnen und Architekten, Basel chapter. Roula Moharram is highly involved in Beirut's architecture scene and is regularly invited to participate in juries, give lectures and lead workshops. In Switzerland, she is committed to disseminating Lebanese building culture by giving interviews, writing articles and organizing exhibitions.


Thomas Thalhofer was born in Augsburg, Germany, in 1969. In 1998, he graduated from Augsburg University of Applied Sciences with a degree in architecture. From 1998 to 2002 he worked as an architect for HildundK Architekten in Munich. From 2003 to 2007 he was project manager and associate at Christ & Gantenbein Architekten in Basel, from 2007 to 2009 project manager for Christian Kerez Architekt in Zurich. In 2009 he founded MET Architects in partnership with Roula Moharram. From 2009 to 2011 he was a lecturer at the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts in the Master's program and in 2013 he was a guest critic in the Bachelor's program in Architecture. He has been a member of the Arab Center for Architecture ACA since 2018. In 2023, he was elected to the BSA Bund Schweizer Architektinnen und Architekten, Basel chapter. Thomas Thalhofer gives lectures as an expert on the topic of conversion and renovation at universities in Switzerland and neighboring countries.



Nola Bally, Viviane Ehrensberger, Inga Federe, Katharina Fesenmair, Mio Kobayashi, Andrea Perletti, Viviana Vaccaro

Roula Moharram and Thomas Thalhofer

Nola Bally – architect BA

Viviane Ehrensberger – public relations and communication

Katharina Fesenmair – architect MA

Inga Federe – Dipl.-Ing. architect TU

Mio Kobayashi – architect MA

Andrea Perletti – architect MA

Theatre Hall Berufsfachschule Basel:

Baunetz_Wissen – 2023

Hochparterre – 2023

Bau der Woche swiss-architects – 2023

Open House Basel – 2023

Cantonal department of buildings and transportation Basel-Stadt, urban planning and architecture division – 2023


Pestalozzi Secondary School:

Espazium – All Articles – 2023

Open House Basel – 2023

Cantonal department of buildings and transportation Basel-Stadt, urban planning and architecture division – 2023

Die natürliche Klimaanlage – bz Basel / CH Media – 2023 

Kühlsystem aus altem Perisen – SRF Regionaljournal Basel Baselland vom 08.08.23

Kühlung fürs Pestalozzischulhaus – teleBasel punkt6 vom 18.08.23


Youth Center Bachgraben:

Baunetz_Wissen – 2024

Open House Basel – 2023



archithese – 2023

Bau der Woche Swiss Architects – 2022

Architektur Dialoge – 2021

Architektur Basel – 2021

Cantonal department of buildings and transportation Basel-Stadt, urban planning and architecture division – 2020


Gym and Swimming Hall Vogelsang:

Werk, Bauen + Wohnen, Werkmaterial – 03/2022

Cantonal department of buildings and transportation Basel-Stadt, urban planning and architecture division – 2022

Immobilien Basel Stadt ‒ 2021

db Deutsche Bauzeitung – 10/2021

AIT ‒ 2021

Baunetz_Wissen – 2021

DETAIL online – 2021

Schweizer Baudokumentation – 2021


Architektur + Technik – 2021

ArchDaily – 2021

BauNetz – 2021

Modulor – 2021


Stadium Vogesen:

Baunetz_Wissen – 2024

Otto Borst-Preis – 2022

Schweizer Baudokumentation – 2021

More Sports. More Architecture – 07/2021

Werk, Bauen + Wohnen – 04/2021

sb Magazin – 2021

DETAIL online – 2021

BauNetz – 2021

Baunetz_Wissen – 2021

Bauwelt – 2020

TEC21 – 2020

Hochparterre – 8/20

Xia by AIT – 2020

best architects 21

Bau der Woche Swiss Architects – 2020

Architektur + Technik – 2020

Cantonal department of buildings and transportation Basel-Stadt, urban planning and architecture division – 2020

Einweihung der Arena Vogesen – 2019



Espazium – Teil 3 – 2019

Espazium – Teil 2 – 2019

Espazium – Teil 1 – 2019


Primary School Gellert:

Cantonal department of buildings and transportation Basel-Stadt, urban planning and architecture division – 2020

Quartierkurier – 03/2021


Children Home Gute Herberge House 186:

Landpartie: Reformarchitektur in Riehen – 2019


House SK:

Wohnrevue – 2020

Designboom – 2020

Baunetz_Wissen – 2020

Bau des Jahres Swiss Architects – 2019

Bau der Woche Swiss Architects – 2019

Espace Contemporains – 2018

Subtilitas – 2018


Schoolhouse St. Johann:

Bau des Jahres Swiss Architects – 2018 

Immobilien Basel Stadt ‒ 2019

best architects 19

Cantonal department of buildings and transportation Basel-Stadt, urban planning and architecture division – 2018

meter magazin – 2018

Umbauen + Renovieren – 2018

Architektur + Technik – 2018

Bau der Woche Swiss Architects – 2018

TEC 21 – 2017


Schoolhouse Hebel:

Immobilien Basel Stadt – 2016

Bau des Jahres Swiss Architects – 2016

Schweizer Baudokumentation – 2016

Sonntagszeitung – 2016

TEC 21 – 2015

Kunst + Architektur – 2015

Cantonal department of buildings and transportation Basel-Stadt, urban planning and architecture division – 2015

docomomo – 2014

db – Deutsche Bauzeitung, Metamorphose – 2014

Kantonale Denkmalpflege, “best practise” – 2014

Architektur + Technik ‒ 2014

Werk, Bauen + Wohnen ‒ 2014

Umbauen + Renovieren – 2014

Riehener Zeitung – 2014


Van Dick Apartment:

best architects 16

Bau der Woche Swiss Architects – 2013


AM Apartment:

Mediterranean Housing Lebanon – 2014

identity – 2013

Please send applications as pdf to the mail address



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  •  Excellent command of Adobe Creative Suite and AutoCAD
  •  3D Modelling skills, command of Rhino of advantage
  •  Excellent model building skills
  •  Start of the internship: by agreement
  •  Proficiency in German and/or English required
  •  Employment duration: 12 months



  •  Excellent design skills
  •  Highly motivated, proactive approach, team player
  •  Minimum 2 years of experience
  •  Excellent command of Adobe Creative Suite and AutoCAD
  •  3D Modelling skills, command of Rhino of advantage
  •  Proficiency in German and/or English required


For architects looking to join our team long-term, we provide customized German courses.


Senior Project Architect


MET Architects GmbH is currently recruiting senior project architects with German proficiency.
For more information on the opening, please refer to our German website.

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